It’s a Low Carb Easter!

Spring has sprung and Easter is upon us! (How did that happen?!?!?). If you are like me, you are planning an Easter meal, but still trying to keep the carbs in check. Whether you are cooking the entire dinner yourself, or simply needing to bring a dish to a potluck dinner – here are some…

Halloween Fun: VooDoo Cider

It’s that time of year again! October is one of my favorite months! I will be posting a new Halloween themed recipe each day this week to kick off the season! Enjoy! CARVED PEELED APPLES GIVE AN EERIE EFFECT TO THIS TASTY CONCOCTION. INGREDIENTS DIRECTIONS Yield: Nutrients per serving:  U.S. Nutrients per serving (about 1…

The Egg 411 (7 Ways to Cook an Egg)

They say a chef’s hat has 100 folds, one for each way the chef knows to cook an egg. That’s an egg-ceptional level of knowledge all wrapped up in one single hat. You can earn yourself 7 percent of a chef’s hat with way less egg-fort. (OK, that one was a stretch. I’ll knock it off…

Three Fabulous Faux Pasta Dishes for Low-Carb Happiness!

I loooooove pasta, so much so that when I eat it my body wants to never let it go and keep it in my hips! Ha. I have some delicious pasta alternatives though, that I do think you will like! Over-abundance in the garden this summer? These can help solve that problem as well, as…

Quick and Easy Edible Gardening Tips

Quick Guide: Edible Gardening Vegetable gardening is a hobby that adds beauty to your yard. It brings physical activity to your routine. It puts nutrient-rich food on the table for less money. Cool, right? To get started, think small. You’ll be savoring sun-warmed greens in no time. Getting Started Herbs: Plant them in pots on your windowsill…

Summer Inspired Low-Carb Delish!

From snacks to main dishes to breakfast treats, here are 5 summer inspired low-carb recipes! They are wonderful ways to enjoy using fresh veggies from your garden or farmers market! My favorite recipe below is the Apple Cheddar Egg Muffins! A must try!!! CHICKEN & ASPARAGUS WITH PAN SAUCE (10g Net Carbs) THE PAN SAUCE…

4 Essential Cooking Tools You Need When Cooking for One

If your idea of “cooking for one” entails reaching into your freezer, pulling out some Pizza Rolls, zapping them in the microwave and devouring (while also inevitably burning your mouth on the scorching, melty cheese), you are most certainly not alone. Cooking for just yourself can be even more difficult than cooking for a large family. For…